Project Name: Polyethylene Plant, Kuwait
Client: Equate
Year: 1996
• Mechanical erection including steel structures, exhaust stacks, boilers and all equipment;
• Mechanical piping installation;
• Electrical installation complete including cabling, trays, sub- stations, panel boards, lighting, etc.;
• Mechanical erection including steel structures, exhaust stacks, boilers and all equipment;
• Mechanical piping installation;
• Electrical installation complete including cabling, trays, sub- stations, panel boards, lighting, etc.
Nass Contracting
General Contractor
Nass Electrical
Electrical Works
Nass Scafform
Scaffoling and formwork
Nass Mechanical
Mechanical fabrication and erection works
Shaw Nass:
Prefabrication of pipe assemblies
Al-Ghanim Nass
Mechanical fabrication and erection works